Although its wide social acceptance is not perceived as dangerous, alcohol is the most abused substance in our country and alcoholism is the addiction which produces the most disorders.
It is a disease that manifests itself in symptoms such as:
- Craving: Strong need, urgency to drink, especially as a way to escape an unwanted situation.
- Loss of control: Unable to stop drinking once you have started in a short period of time.
- Tolerance: The need to consume increasing amounts of alcohol to feel the same effect.
- Physical symptoms of dependence: Withdrawal as embodied in symptoms such as nausea, sweating, shakiness, and anxiety that appears within a few hours of stopping drinking.
- Alcohol causes damage to the brain and most body organs, with special emphasis on the liver, increasing the risk of cirrhosis and hepatitis. These conditions, if not treated properly, can even cause death.
Although not being physically dependent on alcohol, some people can be considered addicts to this drug if they drink frequently and thereby evade their responsibilities. Despite being a legal drug, alcoholics further endanger their relationship with their environment, and their own lives, for example, by driving under the influence of this substance.